DIAA sets date for Inaugural AGM
The Establishment Board Trustees have set a date for the Alliance’s first AGM. This is to held on Wednesday 2 October 2019 between 4pm and 5.30pm at Te Papa in Wellington. This has been timed to align with the Digital Inclusion Research Forum, being held as a Day Zero event with NetHui 2019. The Research Forum will run from 9am until 3pm. DIAA will then sponsor an afternoon tea for Forum participants, ahead of the AGM at 4pm.
Formal invitations have been sent to DIAA’s partners, but everyone with an interest in digital inclusion is welcome. The AGM will hear what has been achieved during the first year of operations and what is planned for the next 12 months.
Of particular importance will be the appointment of a new Board of Trustees. Nominations for the Board are now open and will close at the start of the AGM on 2 October. A minimum of five trustees is required and while existing trustees may stand for election, their term would be limited to one year, compared to the standard two-year appointment period. If an election is required, DIAA Partners will be asked to vote during the AGM, noting that only formally recognised partners are eligible to vote.