An Alliance of Partners

The Alliance acts as a catalyst for digital inclusion initiatives, by working with local communities, not-for-profit organisations, business enterprises, researchers, government agencies and other supporters to pursue a shared digital inclusion vision.  Any organisation or individual working to achieve a more digitally included community is welcome to become a partner of the Alliance.

Joining Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa is free.

Want to join? It’s easy! Simply review the alliance statement below, click the JOIN link to signify you agree, and fill in a short form.

 As an Alliance Partner we expect you to:

  • support the values and purpose of Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa, and
  • be actively involved in the delivery of digital inclusion initiatives in your community, or
  • be engaged in digital inclusion research or policy development
  • complete a short quarterly survey on your activities

We will:

  • work collaboratively with Alliance Partners in delivering digital inclusion programmes to their communities
  • pursue funding opportunities to support digital inclusion initiatives
  • provide a forum for individuals and organisations to share information, tools and resources about digital inclusion initiatives, as well as outcome metrics and results
  • provide a voice for digitally under-served and disadvantaged communities
  • promote a joined-up whole-of-community approach in pursuing a more digitally included society

Our values are:

  • Partnerships
  • Inclusivity
  • Open and collaborative
  • Manaakitanga

Our purpose is to:

  • reduce barriers preventing people from different age groups, geographic regions, income levels, disability status and ethnicity, from participating in their communities using digital technologies;
  • be a catalyst for digital inclusion initiatives and work collaboratively with local communities, not-for-profit organisations,  business enterprises and government agencies to pursue a shared digital inclusion vision;
  • foster socially inclusive communities where everyone has equitable opportunities to meaningfully engage with, and benefit from the use of, digital technologies;
  • enhance the confidence and competence of people living in New Zealand to engage online to advance their own education, employment, health and well-being as well as that of their whānau;
  • support affordable and sustainable access to relevant digital technologies for people who are digitally excluded;
  • grow and develop the digital capability of people living in New Zealand, for learning, for work and for life;
  • increase the digital critical awareness of communities, so that people can keep themselves and their children safe online;
  • enhance the digital skills and confidence of people and organisations delivering community and social services;
  • support research and evaluation of digital inclusion initiatives and their outcomes;
  • identify and promote evidence-based good practice in decreasing digital divides;
  • provide a forum for individuals and organisations with an interest in digital inclusion to share their views and details of initiatives, metrics and results, as well as provide a voice for the communities they serve.

Join the Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa.

Trustees review partner applications at each meeting and will send you a certificate stating your partnership category.  You are then welcome to display the DIAA logo on your website. You can download a .jpg copy from here.